Dr. Lake has practiced for 25 years and joined Southern OB/GYN a year ago. His favorite part of the day is building relationships with his patients during their pregnancy and bringing new life into this world. Dr. Lake is enjoying being part of the Statesboro community and loves living in a small town.
University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia
Augusta College, Augusta, Georgia
B.S. in Biology, June 1990
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia
M.D. Degree, 1994
Postdoctoral Training
Carolinas Medical Center Levine Children’s Hospital
Residency, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1998
ASCCP Top Colposcopy Resident
Chief Resident, 1997-1998
Professional Societies
American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Georgia Obstetrics and Gynecology